Summary Of Xx's Therapeutic Distress Syndrome

Words: 210
Pages: 1

XX participated in a neurodevelopmental evaluation due to her involvement in study protocol, 16-HG-0156 Natural History, Physiology, Microbiome and Biochemistry Studies of Propionic Acidemia. This was XX ’s first evaluation at NIH. XX is the product of a pregnancy complicated by maternal nausea and preeclampsia. She was delivered via emergency cesarean-section at 37 weeks gestation. She experienced trouble latching and vomited immediately after birth. She had jaundice and was treated with a bilirubin lights and a bili-blanket for two days. She was diagnosed with Propionic Acidemia at seven days old.

XX received occupational therapy in the first few months of life due to difficulty sucking. She received physical therapy from 3 to10 months