Summary: The Occupy War Street Social Movement

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Pages: 3

Social movements arise from different reasons either social, economic or political. The global capitalism system of governance is a recipe, or it presents various reasons and challenges that lead to the emergence of social movements. Unequal economic resource distribution creates different social classes and the calls for equality gives birth to activists that initiate the social movements. Most social classes that exist today are those that were coined by Karl Marx as bourgeoisies and the proletariats (Byrne & Wells, 2012). The bourgeoisie's control the factors of production including labor, land, and other natural resources. They exploit the working class in order make more profits. Due to this existing exploitation of labor force, there exists political and economic strife between the two social classes. The working class organized themselves into activist groups to counter the exploitation. The Occupy War Street social movement initiated to challenge the inequalities projected to the society.
In September 2011, Occupy War Street social movement organized its first public protests in Manhattan. The group called itself the 99% movement. It argues that the 1% super-rich individuals are to blame for the existing economic and political inequalities in America and
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First, it offers the diversity of information. Research shows that there is increased awareness of socio-economic conflicts between the rich and the poor with the emergence of OWS Movement (Byrne & Wells, 2012). The increased focus of the inequality by the public is believed to change the order of their beliefs (Henwood, 1997). This is likely to lead to a long-term policy shift that could change the political and economic system of the United States of America. The 99% movement could change the control of the wealth distribution institutions from the high and rich to the majority of the working class thus reducing the