Summary: Therapeutic Relationships In Nursing

Words: 1563
Pages: 7

Therapeutic relationships are beneficial for nursing practise, it involves building a connection of trust, respect, confidentiality and empathy, which all surrounds the ethics of patient centred care (Arnold, 2016).
The Nursing Council of New Zealand (2012), has written and formulated specific standards for nurses to abide by to ensure appropriate practise, in nursing in New Zealand; “Guidelines: Professional Boundaries and Code of Conduct: For nurses”. In accordance with the facts stated in these articles, this essay will give a definition of professional behaviour, then further identify and explain three important aspects of professional behaviour. This professional behaviour is discussed and how significant to nursing, in New Zealand. Consequently,
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If a nurse has the abilities of self-concept to reflect on their own practise, and think what they could have done to improve a previous situation, it will help assist future decision making (Boggs, 2016). The concept will assist in building a wider foundation of trust within their own abilities, and will lead to a professional and dependable relationship with the patient.
Professional boundaries are important in every profession, especially nursing. It is very important to recognise how significant these boundaries are, when caring for patients and developing relationships, including the families. To guarantee these boundaries Nursing Council of New Zealand (2012a), has written the Guidelines: Professional boundaries to establish the foundation of professional boundaries in nursing, New Zealand.
A nurse is someone who holds authority, this meaning, holding the power of knowledge, so it is essential boundaries between health consumer and nurse are not misguided, as it is most often, the nurse is looked upon for guidance and reassurance in such hardship circumstances. It clearly states, Nurses must be self-aware of their professional accountability, they need to be very aware of their actions, even when they are in a personal environment (Boles,
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positive are as follows;
A nurse advocates in their own best interest for a patient, to have a procedure. The patient culturally does not believe in blood transfusions, the nurses lose her professional behaviour with the client, by shouting, expressing subjective opinions, why the blood transfusion should be administered. This is not respecting the patients’ cultural rights, this is an example of crossing a professional boundary.
This scenario demonstrates a lack of professional behaviour and boundaries, for nurses to follow best practise they need to provide both principles, respecting patients, and their cultural beliefs, staying within the therapeutic relationship zone (NZCN, 2012b). Nevertheless, it is necessary to work in partnership with the client and exhibit professional behaviour, as this allows the opportunity for the patient to provide the health consumer, with their own input to their health care