Susan Cain Extroverts Essay

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Introverts’ values in a world praising extroverts

Book author Susan Cain argues in passionate talk, at TED conference in February 2012, how introverts’ talents and abilities perish in today’s society and should be given more encouragement and attention.

Today being sociable, bold, outgoing - all in all having a strong and charismatic personality is what we expect from each and every one in order to fit in, which leads us to a “society of extroverts”. However, we do not consider that one third to one half of it are actually introverts.
„Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking“ is the book written by Susan Cain, raising this issue, of the Extrovert Ideal, that is unthinkingly prized by us and why introverts suffer
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“We have always favored the man of action over the man of contemplation”, without any correlation between charisma and good ideas, Susan Cain said. Although, personalities like Abraham Lincoln, whose characters were valued in earlier years, we still “entered the culture of personality”, in which proving yourself in front of others is key to success in many ways. This forces introverted people to act like extroverts, which does not lie in their natural behavior, such as Susan Cain’s example of becoming a Wall Street Lawyer.
Surprisingly, role models like Gandhi or Rosa Parks did describe themselves as timid, quiet and reserved and still played the fundamental role of their human rights movements.
Those stunning examples should show us, that introverts do have the same abilities and talents but do need the time, encouragement and reason to stand out as much as extroverts do.
So, it is not about abolishing group work completely or making social skills dispensable, but about “a much better balance between the introverts and extroverts. We need more of a yin and yang between these two types. This is especially important when it comes to creativity and to productivity…”, the Author said. One should get the time and quietness and therefore often solitude plays a major role to introverts, to deliver those expected