Susan Kane Worksheet

Words: 822
Pages: 4

1.Kane’s mother Mary Kane obtains a lot of wealth and sends Kane to her banker thatcher. Because Kane’s mother has obtained a lot of wealth and wants her son Kane to be able to maintain it. Kane would buy out the newspaper industry with all of its top journalist. Kane would marry the current president’s daughter and would run for president himself. He will have an affair with a woman name Susan alexander. Where this affair will be on the headlines of the newspapers during his run for the president. Kane will eventually marry Susan where he would fulfill one of Susan’s dreams. Her dream being that of her mother’s wish of Susan becoming an opera singer. Kane will build an entire opera house for Susan but come to find that Susan does not have the voice of an opera singer. Because she does not have the voice for opera, will make bad press for Kane which will then slowly become Kane’s demise. Kane seeing, he can’t change the way people who watch Susan’s performance or read in the newspaper feel. Will then isolate himself with Susan in his castle called Xanadu. Susan eventually divorces Kane and Kane will die in his castle Xanadu.

2.Kane has personality deficiency’s because he had a lack of a parent being that his mother sent him away
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Kane’s resolution to his mother and Mr. Leland taking his child hood is how he mismanaged his money and bought out the press. Jedidiah resolution in hope to bring awareness to Kane because it what was going on with the newspaper was against Kane’s own declaration of principles. is Jedidiah typing bad press on Kane about the Susan’s performance at the opera house. Kane’s resolutions to failing to obtain presidency is how he tried to change the headlines of the press about the scandal of himself and Susan. Kane’s resolution to attempt to control the thoughts of the people who watched and listened to the opera that was getting bad press even though attempted to say it is great would be how he isolated himself in his mansion with