Sweat By Zora Neale Hurston Analysis

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Pages: 4

The short story “Sweat”, by Zora Neale Hurston, has a creative style which contributes to the story. The style of writing used is to assist the reader in understand the setting, characters, and conflict going on throughout the story. Hurston’s style of writing helps create a unique story that allows the reader’s imagination to spark. The author uses unique style throughout the story which consists of dialogue, point of view, and also tone. The style makes the story distinct and helps the reader imagine the story through the characters’ eyes.
Throughout most of the story the author uses dialogue to help the reader grasp the characters and setting. The dialogue provides information on the characters and also shows the author’s choice of vocabulary
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The author uses third person limited point of view in the story “Sweat”. “Sweat” is told in third person point of view because a narrator tells the story. The narrator displays the thoughts and feelings of the protagonist, Delia Jones, throughout the story. Using third person limited allows the readers to be able to perceive the thoughts of the protagonist. An example of the point of view in the story “Sweat”, “She wondered, but started to go on into the house without speaking, even though he was standing in the kitchen door and she must either stoop under his arm or ask him to move.” The story’s point of view is not omniscient because it only shows the thoughts and feelings of the protagonist. In the story, third person limited point of view helps the reader understand the conflict of the story with a more detailed description. This point of view describes the struggles the protagonist goes through and how she feels about the conflict going on throughout the story. The point of view is an important part of the style of “Sweat” and allows the reader to have an improved understanding of the conflict in the …show more content…
Tone is a major aspect of any story due to its ability to set the mood for the readers. Hurston uses a tone of remorse throughout a large portion of the story. The author’s use of remorse was directed towards the story’s protagonist. Remorse is used to give sympathy to the main protagonist who is facing adversity throughout the story. The story offers proof of remorse, “Delia’s habitual meekness seemed to slip from her shoulders like a blown scarf. She was on her feet; her poor little body, her bare knuckly hands bravely defying the strapping hulk before her.” This sentence provides textual evidence that the author shows remorse to the woman. The narrator uses the words “her poor little body” which conveys a sense of remorse to the protagonist. The author’s tone of remorse is sincere and convinces the reader to also feel remorse for the