Switchgrass-Mesic Ecosystem Analysis

Words: 353
Pages: 2

The Switchgrass-Mesic ecosystem is located primarily in the valleys and lower elevations in the park, where the landform is mostly flat with very gentle slopes on the outer edges, seen in Figure 2. Despite the gentle slope there is still an elevation change of 55 feet from 1335 feet to 1280 feet. This allows for more of a diversity in soil types. However the actual soil qualities still stay relatively consistent throughout the ecosystem. The soil types of Switchgrass-Mesic include Dwight-Irwin Complex, Irwin, and Irwin eroded. The three soils all occupy a significant amount of the ecosystem, with Dwight-Irwin and Irwin eroded being the more dominant soil types. Irwin soil occurs on the far western side of the ecosystem where the topography