Symbolism In 'Good Country People By Flannery O' Connor

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Pages: 1

“Good Country People” was written by Flannery O’Connor. The symbols in the story carry the reinforcement of the meaning of the story. The symbolism in “Good Country People” include: Hulga’s fake leg, glasses, and hollow Bible. Hulga’s fake leg symbolizes her pride and individualism. Hulga is sensitive about her leg: Her leg was "shot off in a hunting accident when [she] was ten (13)”. The glasses symbolize different types of vision and the way that person thinks. Once Hulga takes off her glasses her vision is quite altered, seeing lakes instead of hills. At one point during the story Manley takes control of Hulga’s vision: “When her glasses got in his way, he took them off of her and slipped them into his pocket (110)”. Manley uses Hulga’s