Symbolism In Like Water For Chocolate By Esquivel

Words: 674
Pages: 3

Evan Coulter
Mrs. Bregeth
12th World Lit
14 December 2015
Like Water For Chocolate

Magic is defined as any mysterious, seemingly inexplicable, or extraordinary power or quality. In the novel Like Water For Chocolate, Tita's emotions affect the people around her and creates magic that she can not control. Esquivel suggests that Tita's emotions make magic and effects everyone around her. When Tita is making the cake for Pedro and Rosauras wedding she started to cry. Her sadness occurred because of here passion for Pedro was in jeopardy because of the wedding. She was so sad that “the batter would not thicken because Tita kept crying”(Esquivel 30). Tita’s cooking represents all of the emotions that she is experiencing at that very
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This shows how Tita’s emotions directly affect the people that consume the foods. It also has many magical realism elements that are unexplained and unbelievable. The author uses this scene to show how the book uses the characters emotions all effect each other. Rosaura couldn’t provide milk so Tita tried to breast feed her even though she didn’t have breast milk. Then she “ removed the boy from her breast. A thin stream of milk sprayed out”(Esquivel 76). She magically was producing breast milk without being pregnant. This shows how deep Tita’s emotions for Pedro and how the magical realism elements affect the plot of the story. “Tita compares her emotional and physical states in terms of ludicrous culinary metaphors that question the seriousness”(Ibsen 3). This quote explains how the author waves the recipes into the story. The recipes have a major impact in the way the story plays out and effects many of the outcomes in the …show more content…
This shows how the magical realism plot events can have major plot causes. Titas emotions are not only shown by her recipes but also when “ Tita rekindles the passion by swallowing matches”(Isben 2). In the story their are many examples of passion between the characters in the novel. In this case the author describes an event that takes place to describe how Tita has relit her