Symbolism In Macbeth

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Pages: 4

“Fair is foul and foul is fair” or things that are beautiful will become ugly and things that are ugly will become beautiful. This motif or paradox is seen in Shakespeare’s most famous tragedy, Macbeth. As this saying is repeated throughout the play the viewers continue to wonder, “is one’s actions beautiful on the outside or evil on the inside” and that is exactly what Shakespeare was trying to comprehend. This motif applies to the witches as they are ugly on the outside, but everything they tell to Macbeth is beautiful. Nevertheless, the witches told Macbeth of a prophecy that eventually led to the killing of numerous people and the death of Macbeth himself. So was Macbeth controlled by fate or was everything that happened in the book consequences …show more content…
For example, in the quote, “Avaunt and quit my sight! Let the earth and hide thee. Thy bones are marrowless; thy blood is cold;” Act 3. Sc.4, the ghost of Banquo shows up before Macbeth. This scene represents how Macbeth is not over the death of Banquo, and how Shakespeare wanted to express the guilt that Macbeth felt inside. Additionally, this is one of the scenes where Macbeth finally goes mad, showing his character developement, of being perfectly fine then turning into something crazy. Also, in the quote, “The power of man, for none of woman born Shall harm Macbeth.”, Act 4. Sc.1, it shows one of the prophecies that the bloody child apparition gave Macbeth. Macbeth believed the prophecy to be true in which it was, however, Macbeth never considered that someone who was not born but instead cut out of a mother’s womb is not considered, “woman born”. If Macbeth had not believed that his fate was a certain way and did something according to his own beliefs, rather than following the prophecies that the witches gave him, he would have lived more prosperous. Overall, from this example of Macbeth, Shakespeare was trying to express that the fate of one is not set but moreover, shaped by one’s free will. In conclusion, Shakespeare perceived the play Macbeth as a story of free will rather than a story of fate. Throughout his play he had many signs of symbolism, such as Macbeth himself being a symbol of corruption. He also showed the consequences of being ambitious and letting the thoughts of others control you. But at the end of the day, Shakespeare’s play should be perceived and is perceived in so many different