Symbolism Of Raziel In Bram Stoker's Dracula

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Pages: 7

Long before the time of machines there was a man named Han Reich Deternum, a zealous servant of the cause séraphéenne in the distant past of Nosgoth (the fictional world in which the action takes place) whose legend turns it into a true saint, Raziel is in death the first right-hand Kain, as one of his first vampire lieutenants. Alongside his new master (also a vampire) and its séraphéens brothers (also lieutenants "restricted" and bloodsuckers now resurrected by Kain after the latter has violated their tomb), they build a powerful conquering empire territory of Nosgoth, as had once been the same Kain (but who had lost everything). By dint of experience, these vampires once séraphéens and persecutors of vampires, eventually evolve and gain new powers (but only after he has already earned Kain).

But one day, Raziel gets its wings before his master and wants to show them to him immediately. Kain, mad with rage, the tears off, leaving only
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It sports crowns and three-toed feet, and brilliant pupils. He wears a cape scarf bearing the symbol of its ancient vampire clan, whose original red color became brown with time and wear, to conceal his lower face (his mandible was dissolved in water tourbillon); it removes that to devour souls, then showing his fangs. The clan symbol is based on a profile of its rear wings when they were in good état5.

It is usually represented in its spiritual form wielding the Soul Reaver, an ancient vampiric blade. The only physical characteristic that has not changed from its human appearances, and spiritual vampire is his hairstyle; when she was asked about why Raziel retains her hair after centuries of torture in the Abyss, Hennig said, "it would look ridiculous if it were chauve6" and from its ability to speak without lower jaw, she suggests "the muscles in the throat very