Symbols In The Awakening

Words: 940
Pages: 4

Emma Howard


English 4 Honors

Prompt #3

The Awakening

Edna Pontellier, the main character in Kate Chopin's "The Awakening," is divided between her growing feelings for Robert Lebrun and her marriage with Leonce PonteZahria Woods.


English 4


Beloved has many significant symbols and events throughout the story. The house at 124 Bluestone Road is more than just a setting. It’s a profound symbol that Morrison uses to explore the history of slavery and its impact on the psyche. The descriptive language Morrison uses for the house is hauntingly beautiful. She describes it as “spiteful” and full of “baby’s venom”, which sets the tone for the supernatural and emotional feelings within. Symbolically, the house stands for the characters’ inability to escape the trauma of slavery. It’s like pain is built into the walls.
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The house is filled with the mother Sethe’s trauma and the soul of her baby, it’s chaotic and oppressive, symbolizing how the past can imprison someone. For instance, on page 3 the house is described as “full of a baby’s venom” which suggests the haunting by Sethe’s deceased daughter. This haunting is not just a ghost story; it’s a display of Sethe’s guilt and the past that she can’t escape. The house, with its harsh surroundings, becomes a character in its own way, reflecting the characters’ emotions and memories. The house is used as a theme of motherhood. The house is where her maternal love is both expressed and tested to its