Sympathy For The Devil Analysis

Words: 443
Pages: 2

Man being evil is expressed in both “Sympathy for the Devil” by The Rolling Stones and “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathanial Hawthorne. “Young Goodman Brown” was a short story written in 1835, during the time of the Salem Witch Trial. “Sympathy for the Devil” was a song written by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, the song is a radiant critique of human nature, and the inherent cruelty that Jagger appears to signify in all of mankind. The short story “Young Goodman Brown” references to the three dark events from puritan’s history. In fact, the story sets during the Salem witch trials where Hawthorne’s great-great-grandfather John Hathorne was a Judge. Hence, feeling guilty for his grandfather’s actions Hawthorne changed his last name by