Synthesis Essay: Impact Of Honor System On College Communities

Words: 573
Pages: 3

Chassidy Walton
Ms. Mignott

The Honor System could have a large impact on many college communities, however, due to the excessive amount of academic dishonesty, colleges need to educate their students on the rule more and it should be discussed between peers. In colleges there has been an increase in the amount of cheating. The honor system is a set of rules determining the honorable way to act in an academic setting. The system has been revised many times because of many students disapproval. Many people think that the system will work for colleges, while some do not. The honor system should be more recognizable between students in order to create a change. It should be discussed more in colleges, so it could have a larger impact. The system needs to be revised in order to be done correctly. Colleges should explain the honor system to their students in order to create a significant impact. Source F
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Source F explains the impact cheating has on students by stating, “A culture that makes most forms of serious cheating socially unacceptable among the majority of students. Many students would simply be embarrassed to have other students find out they were cheating.” Students are most likely not to cheat because it would cause a bad reputation among other students. Not following the honor code is embarrassing to some, which proves students should persuade each other to follow it. Source C explains the impact of the Honor code among peers at Rutgers University by stating, “According to research by Donald L. McCabe, a professor of management at Rutgers University who specializes in student integrity, students at colleges with honor codes—typically student-enforced—cheat less than their counterparts elsewhere do. ” Students who encourage their friends to listen to the honor code, decreases the amount of cheating in