Synthesis Essay On Honor Code In Schools

Words: 306
Pages: 2

Failure to prepare is preparing to fail. Cheating has increased in schools, so with set honor codes or honor systems punishment is needed. Schools should maintain, but also revise honor codes and systems. Schools should revise the honor codes to help reduce cheating for a better future for students. “Students [in schools or universities are] convicted of lying or cheating can expect to receive punishment ranging from suspension to expulsion” (Source C.) Punishments are set too harsh for students; students are causing more trouble in the world for being in trouble at school. In a small public, 88% of students believe[d] failure on the assignment was a reasonable sanction for violation of the honor code” (Source E.) The student’s issued behavior should indicate the respected punishment fitted. To reduce unneeded or harsh punishment, the honor codes and honor systems should be revised. …show more content…
Responsibility from honor codes help build trust in other students and peers. They have a “helpful reminder of their responsibilities” in schools, but also in their future work environment (Source B.) Comfortable and safe environment in schools for students is a key factor - so the honor code provides a sense of safety and comfort. Since college is the platform of careers and future, trusting individuals and yourself is important. The honor code is used not only in school but through any environment. In college, the environment becomes more stressful, so plagiarism is “easier to do” (Source D.) Being seen as the peer who cheated on an assignment when working towards your future is not something other to look for. Maintaining the honor codes and honor systems will help the factor of being true to each other for the