T. S. Eliot's The Hollow Men

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Pages: 4

“We are empty, We are full”...What??

(Three messages from The Hollow Men by T.S. Eliot)

Mommy what's wrong with that man? Oh honey I don't know, no one knows what's wrong with that man. Some think that he is a man who was once the center of knowledge, but he is now a man that is now on the streets of our city. Oh, that's horrible mommy. Yes sweetie it is. In the poem The Hollow Men by T.S. Eliot he had left us three messages, Life is a Paradox, full of things that aren’t important, but empty of things that are important, Modern Generation is much different they had direct eyes, and The Modern people have a hard time believing they are full of doubt sex, religion they were are not good at, should be kissing, but are praying.

Initially, the first message in Hollow Men is life is a Paradox, full of things that aren’t important, but empty of things that are important. What is a Paradox? A Paradox is a statement or proposition that, despite sound (or apparently sound) reasoning from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems senseless,
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Our generation, many of us do not pray no more because we do not have belief no longer. Instead we are to busy with other things like falling in love and having loveless sex with one another. This is a great fear and tragedy of our generations because it is true when we should be praying we are kissing, and that we have lost our beliefs and are now full of doubt. All around people have lost belief because it no longer matters because science was able to explain all that is able to logically be explained. Such as why the sky is blue, or how life on earth came to be. Belief was lost and many make love without having love. “Lips that would kiss Form prayers to broken stone. (Part III, lines 50-51, page