Tabetha Monologue

Words: 295
Pages: 2

Yo i'm gonna rant just bc i cant let drama die Ever but like oh my god when tabetha was telling me why she was mad shes like "Listen I never said I wanted you to be a different person" but like bitch please you just told me to change like every single aspect of my personality??????and she didnt ask me what i meant by anyhting and lol i'm just Tired of her asnd???????? like i was bitching about my parents on the thread shes like "omg are u talking about me bc its immature youre bullying me" im like???maybe you shuoldnt call me selfish and a hypocrite and etc if u dont want me to be angry??? like OH MY GOD i cannot handle her bullshit b y e and she was like "you know when someone just leaves you out of the bblue" and ???? i didnt do the leaving