Task 1 Essay

Submitted By Kayleighpeart
Words: 1977
Pages: 8

Kayleigh Sandra Peart
NCFE Level 3 Supporting Teaching & Learning in Schools
Assignment one
17 Forbes Terrace

Child and young person development
Task 1

Evidence http://www.dshs.wa.gov/ca/fosterparents/training/chidev/cd06.htm

There are four main areas of development that are important from birth up to the age of 19.

Physical development
Social and emotional development
Intellectual development
Language development

Every child develops in their own way and own time, there is a sequence of development that progress from birth up to late teenage.

The sequence of development is the way a child progress as they grow older but some children differ as they can take less or more time to develop.

Development – Ages 0-3 years

Physical development

By six months a child will
Hold up their own head
Watch an adults face when feeding
Put everything in his/her mouth
Smile at familiar sounds like their parents voice

By six months and one year
Roll over from their tummy on to their back
Pass objects hand to hand
Begin to crawl or shuffle on their bottom
Turn and look when their name has been said

Between one and two years
Begin to walk
Wave goodbye or hello
Point to indicate what they want
Start to feed themselves

Between two and three years
Thrown objects
Build tall towers
Pour liquids

Social and emotional development

Newborn to three months
Responds to mothers voice and face
Concentrates on your face whilst having a feed
Depends on adults for comfort and quietens when picked up for cuddles

Between six to nine months
Enjoys a game of peek-a-boo and company from others
Finds mother or mother substitute extremely important
Will talk to you and others using babbling sound
Becomes unhappy when mother leaves

Between one to two years demanding, assertive independent
Needs the warmth, security and attention of a special adult (mother)
Waves bye-bye
Has temper tantrums

Between two to three years
The child perverse mothers company to that of a stranger
Can now do things with others like listening to a story
Will start to use the word NO a throw tantrums more frequently Intellectual development

Newborn to six months
Learns through senses
Coos and vocalizes spontaneously

Between six month to one year
Likes to hear objects named to understand the words to the object such as mouth, dog, mam and dad
Certain children may not talk until they are age 1 or later

Between one year to two years
Is curious and wants to explore things e.g.: pokes fingers in holes
Use one-word sentences No Down bye can point to common body parts and familiar objects and can understand simple commands enjoy simple songs and rhymes

Between two years to 3 years
Continue to learn through senses still is very curious
Has a short attention span
Starting to sing simple nursery rhymes
Put together a short sentence

Language development

Between 0 to three months
Makes happy sounds
Babies watch their mothers mouth and try to copy the movements

Between six and twelve months
Still makes happy sounds
Child should have learned how to make four to five different sounds and turn head to familiar sounds
Well show feelings with a happy squeal or a cry
Laugh with enjoyment

Between one and two years
Will start to put sentences together
By two years the child should be making and understanding sentences
By two years old child should know between 30 to 150 words

Development – Ages 3-7 years
Evidence course notes page 11

Physical development

Three years
Child can jump with his/her feet together
Can walk up and down stairs
Catches and gently throws ball
Paints and draws pictures

Four years
Learning to ride a bike with training wheels
Uses scissors with adult supervision
Can hold a pen/pencil and draw a house or person

Five years
Kicks with aim
Catch a ball
Use a pen/pencil with control
Can write letters and draw some shapes

Six to seven years
Rides a bike unaided
Jumps from a height