The Detailed Description Of The Cost Of Crude Oil

Submitted By claire760821
Words: 310
Pages: 2

4) Introduction
Something along the lines of....there is a finite supply of oil field discovers few a far between...cost of extraction increasing, even as technology develops...Demand is global and increasing...analyze the different variables effecting the price per liter in American, China, and Germany 5) Detailed description of the relevant market environment and market drivers
Each person would be responsible for reporting on the following on their perspective country
Cost of Crude Oil - 5 to 10 year historical....are there any trends...more expensive summer/winter ect...where is the crude coming from
Cost of refining crude - 5 to 10 year historical....are there any trends...more expensive summer/winter etc...where is it it controlled by government, private companies, etc..
Cost of Gasoline汽油 - 5 to 10 year historical....are there any trends...more expensive summer/winter it more expensive in cities/rural areas...what percent of disposable income is spent on gasoline number of vehicles in country
Aver miles traveled per day, year, etc
Demand for gasoline, monthly, yearly etc
Supply of gasoline, monthly, yearly, ect
Are there any government regulations impacting supply or demand what is the prices sensitivity of the consumer what is the expected future demand of gasoline

6) Description of the competitive environment within the sector of interest
The competitive environments

7) Presentation of market