Technological Progress In Brave New World

Words: 451
Pages: 2

The danger of the technological progress

Ever since the technological development has increased in pace, people have been concerned of its future outcome. In Brave New World, the authour Aldous Huxley explores the danger of a technological progress. Set in the future, the world has become a single suprantional state, that is govern by a council of World controllers. Technology is used by the society to ensure people happiness, by condtioning people's presonalities and giving them tranquillizing drugs in order to obtain world balanced and prevent war. Throughout the novel Huxley uses different motives and settings to convey the danger of a future that is generated by a technological development.

In the beginning, Huxley depicts the dehumanization
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''So hard for me to realize'' Bernard was saying 'to restruct.As though we were living on a different planets, in different centuries. A mother and this dirt, gods , and old age, and disease...' Huxley. 105) Here one of the main character, Bernard and his female friend, Lenina, has departed to a Savage Reversation where they are staying with a mother that used to live in the civilation but was deported because she became pregant, which is prohibited in their soceity. In this passage Bernard explains his astonishement for the social structure in the reversation.

In conslusion, Huxley illustrates a civillization that has been dehumanized by a future technology in which he uses different motives, such as the progress of conditioning people's personalities. Consequently, he empower the theme by changing settings in the novel, in which the society's inhabitans come into contrast. However, as the novel depicts Huxley's dystopia of a technological progress, one may ask himself if the technogical delvelopment will provide such a outcome as Huxley views or if it will do the mankind