Technology In Robert Blake's Brave New Digital Classroom

Words: 557
Pages: 3

Technology does not Hinder Reasoning
Technology is everywhere. Along with the expansion of technology, come with the integration of its usefulness into society. Technology can help us get from place to place faster, call our friends in case of emergencies and even save a person’s life. Furthermore, the utilization of technology has made life easier and more convenient for a variety of people like students and workers all around the world. Technology can facilitate education, magnify innovation and enhance networking.
As mentioned in Robert Blake’s, Brave New Digital Classroom, technology can help people utilize their critical thinking skills by learning a foreign language. Blake’s writings is a result of CALL, otherwise known as Computer-Assisted
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Clive Thompsons uses Smarter than you think, as a book to pair both artificial intelligence and human intelligence against each other in a game of chess. Many people immediately assume artificial intelligence is better than human intelligence; however, these people forget that we made artificial Intelligence. Many humans have given up on outsmarting their computer counterparts; however, computers can be proven to be more inefficient than humans in this analytical game. Computers must calculate every possible move, whereas humans typically narrow their search immediately. After being in productions for years, computers are made to be perfect; however, Intel has published otherwise. Their chips make mistakes as well, because human error has been programmed into these processing chips, allowing intelligent enough people to innovatively make perverse yet effective defenses. These people are seen as incredibly intelligent due to their utilization of the human cognitive skill. The application of artificial intelligence in a more competitive way, such a chess, could make us as a society much more intelligent. As opposed to fearing technology, we should embrace it, and harness the potential to become a more intelligent