Ted Cruz Rhetorical Analysis

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Pages: 2

Ted Cruz:
Jargon - the use of a term the makes little sense outside of it's context Ted Cruz clearly uses jargon when he is listing the three switches the government has for controlling economy growth. His first two are easily understandable ideas like a flat tax and less regulation, but his third switch of "sound money" causes some confusion. The term is not easily recognizable, and senator Cruz failed to give an explanation of what it was. His use of jargon was meant to make him seem well informed, which it did, especially since his use of jargon finished a list of three. Many people just assume that he has a deep understanding of what sound money is, and subsequently think he is smarter for it, adding to his pathos.
Logical Argumentation/ Reasoning - Describing the tenets of a point and the thought process behind it. Ted Cruz attempts to use reasoning in explaining
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He claims in a very sympathetic sense that all tax plans should be based around families. The his tax plan seems very chivalrous in the eyes of many Americans as family is a central part of the American political culture. His use of tone makes him seem very caring towards an issue that many find important, thus making him seem like a good candidate.
Hyperbole - the dramatic over exaggeration of a statement for effect Marco Rubio uses hyperbole while talking about ISIS, in an attempt to make them seem like a major threat. He describes their distaste for us as much more than a minor disagreement, he says that they hate us because of our very society, giving examples about out equal treatment of women. In addition he also makes bold claims about how quickly the organization will spread throughout the region. The tactics he used did their intended purpose, cause fear. Fear helps his cause and justifies his call for more action against