Tell Tale Heart Analysis Essay

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Analysis of Setting in Tell-Tale Heart Essay

EQ: How did Poe used the literary term of setting to create a dark tone affecting the mood of the reader?

Author Edgar Allan Poe used the literary term of setting to create a dark spooky tone affecting the reader’s mood of the reader by using some primary elements like, Time of day, locale and social/political/environment. poe used this elements for readers to feel related to the story and to know that basic things like our own bedrooms can be scary in many ways.

The first element Poe used was Time of day, located on 538;1, when he states that it all happened at midnight. The other reference he makes about this primary element is found on 538;2 when he says “every night just at twelve, I looked up on him while he slept.” The last evidence is on 539,2 which says the following “Many a night just at midnight when all the world slept, it has welled up from my own bosom,deepening with its dreadful echo, the terrors that distracted me.” Poe used this element because us human beings think midnight as a scary dark hour that bad things happen.
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Another evidence he used is on 538;2 when he says “his room was pitch black with the thick darkness”. The second evidence found on this element is on 538;2 “the shutters were closed fastned” because he had “fears of robbers”. The final evidence is when Poe stated “he listened night after night hearkening to the death watches in the wall” because is a sign of “approaching death”. Poe used this element to make his readers aware that even in their safest place (their own bedroom) can also be a frightening