Tenth Amendment Case: Bond Vs. United States

Words: 145
Pages: 1

Kyle Long, Jack Frisse, Adam Santini
4 Feb, 2017
Mr. Isaksson
Tenth Amendment Case There are many court cases that directly conflict with the Amendments. One example of this is Bond vs. United States. The case was first centered around Ms. Carol A. Bond and Myrlinda Haynes. Carol Anne Bond was very upset to find her husband had cheated on her for Myrlinda Haynes. In a fit of rage, Bond resulted to stealing chemicals from her work. She smeared the chemicals on objects that Haynes would touch - doorknobs, car doors, mailbox, etc. She also stole her mail. As a result, Myrlinda Haynes received a chemical burn on her thumb. Bond was indicted for a violation of the Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act of 1998. However, Bond argued