Textiles - Wool Essay

Submitted By Ginevraa4e
Words: 514
Pages: 3

Woolen fabric is made from the fleece of sheep. It is a renewable resource and is shorn from the sheep without injuring the animal. One reason wool is so popular is that the best wool is grown without any harm to the animals. Wool is biodegradable, so after your wool product has outlived its usefulness; it will break down into the soil - unlike plastic or polyester. Wool is a complex protein that keeps warm blooded animals properly temperature controlled in many different climates and temperatures. Just like human hair, wool requires gentle washing and conditioning to keep it soft and healthy. Wool can stand a lot of wear and tear. It will uphold its "new" appearance longer than other fabrics.
The benefits of wool are: resists wrinkles, retains shape, resists oiling, resists flames, repels moisture and it is durable and comfortable to wear all seasons.
Crimp - caused by the unique chemical and physical properties of wool. The fibre tends to bend and turn in to a resilient 3 dimensional structure. It holds in air to insulate the wearer. This property makes wool naturally elastic and resilient causing rapid wrinkle recovery, durability, bulk, loft, warmth, and resistance to abrasion.
Water absorbency - wool can absorb up to 30% of its weight in moisture without feeling damp or clammy. This makes wool good for all climates since it aids in the body's cooling mechanisms to keep moisture away from the skin.
Resistance to fire - wool contains moisture in every fibre allowing it to resist flame without any additional chemical treatment. The wool will just char and self-extinguish.
Dye ability - wool absorbs many dyes deeply, uniformly, and directly without the use of chemicals. This characteristic allows wool to achieve very beautiful and rich colours when dyed.
Durability - the flexibility of wool makes it very durable. A single wool fibre can be bent back on itself more the 20,000 times without breaking. Compare this to the only 3,000 times of cotton and 2,000 times of silk. Its elasticity