Th Industrail Reveloution Essay

Submitted By rvannwssia
Words: 337
Pages: 2

The Industrial Revolution.

The Industrial Revolution was a time of drastic change that transformed hand tools and hand made items to machine manufactured and produced goods. Inventions brought on the most drastic changes during the Industrial Revolution. Machines made life much easier while decreasing prices of goods and generally improving life. Before the 1750's, life was primitive but simple, which is vastly different from the complex culture that arose from the Industrial Revolution.

Before the first Industrial Revolution, England's economy was based upon it’s cottage industry. The workers would purchase raw materials from merchants and take them back to their cottages and at home was where the goods were produced. This was usually owned and managed by one or few people. This industry was efficient, but due to the fact that productivity was low, it make the prices high. The longer the it took to create the product, the higher the cost. Goods were expensive, and in turn only wealthy people could afford them.

The Industrial Revolution took place in the 18th century. During this time there were also many new technological advancements like cultural problems that arised. They were a lot of new inventions like the assembly line for the cars to be made. In 1793 the Industrial Revolution strarted in America in Slater Mill in Pawtucket.

The Industrial Revolution brought many changes to the societies that experienced the process of industrialization. The gains