The Amazing Penguin Rescue: A Comparative Analysis

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Pages: 3

Humans saved 40,000 penguins from a devastating oil spill. Lauren and Kristen both wrote stories about a devastating oil spill that effect penguins. Lauren wrote “The Amazing Penguin Rescue” and the story is about humans coming together to help penguins. While, Kristen wrote “ Saving Penguins, One Sweater at a Time”and people work together to make sweaters to help penguins. “The Amazing Penguin Rescue” and “Saving Penguins, One Sweater at a Time” have many similarities and differences such as conflict and solutions to the conflict.

One similarity between, “The Amazing Penguin Rescue” and “Saving Penguins, One Sweater at a Time” is the conflict. Both of the stories’ conflict is about oil spills near penguins. In “The Amazing Penguin Rescue” and “Saving Penguins,
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The penguins are getting polluted by oil spills. An example is,”The Treasure split apart, and as the Treasure sank, about 1,300 tons of toxic oil gushed into the ocean.”(Tarshis 16). This is significant because, 7th graders at Ross Middle School that the ocean is becoming toxic and penguins are endangered if the toxic water gets to where penguins are swimming. In addition, in “Saving Penguins, One Sweater at a Time,” penguins also have the conflict of an oil spill. Volunteers have gathered to make sweaters, unfortunately The Penguin Society had too many sweaters that The Penguin Society has told volunteers to stop making sweaters. An example is,”Over the past 15 years, workers on Phillip Island have put the sweater donations to good use, helping more than 1,000 little penguins. (Sadly, oil spills