The BPS Model

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presented another statistic from their study that despite the acceptance of the BPS model in medicine, the biomedical model remains dominant, as research that included an examination of journal articles from 1977-2001 searching for the use of term "biopsychosocial" compared to "biomedical" uncovered that the rate of citation for biomedical was 9:1 compared to these use of the citation for biopsychosocial. (Suls & Rothman, 2004) These findings are suggestive of the notion that despite the introduction of the BPS model in medicine and increasing the awareness of clinician/patient relationship, it is not greatly appreciated in the medical education course as it also presents with the possible impact on clinician judgment that is greatly needed …show more content…
(Álvarez et al., 2012) Despite the introduction of BPS model into medicine, the field of medicine will always, must always focus on the science of curing diseases and most medical students eventually identify the application of the BPS in practice as weak compare to proven science. This can also be said of the field of mental health were the BPS has had an equal impact in some of its views but has also generated some criticism.
Mental Health and BPS
The introduction of the BPS model into psychiatry like medicine was also a clear departure from psychiatry's Kraepelin roots which supported the notion that mental disorders were congenital, separate naturally occurring, and fixed deteriorating conditions. (Pilgrim, Kinderman, & Tai, 2008) Despite these views, Alvarez et al., (2004) explain that the professional field of mental health has acknowledged the importance and use of the BPS model in their clinical assessments which should include multidimensional perspectives. (Álvarez et al., 2012) This is especially true in the field of mental health as there has been a substantial increase in support of health related behavioral and psychological research. (Suls & Rothman, 2004) This shift in thinking would no doubt should have left a growing