The Black Cat Symbolism

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Pages: 3

Edgar Allan Poe lost so many people he loved to the disease Tuberculosis. He grew up with only a mother because his father abandoned their family. He also had two other siblings. Mrs. Poe died from Tuberculosis. Edgar Poe and his siblings were split up into different homes. He was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Allen. Mrs. Allen also ended up dying from T.B. and his wife died from T.B. as well. The losses Poe suffered influenced the literary elements he used. Poe’s literature often requires the reader to read the selection more than once to fully grasp what Poe truly meant. This is because of his clever use of symbolism. In The Black Cat, the narrator’s favorite pet is a cat named Pluto, which is the name of the God of the Underworld. Black …show more content…
Poe’s use of foreshadowing is often only realized after reading the selection. The second cat, from The Black Cat, foreshadowing the death of the narrator. The cat looked exactly like Pluto, except a white patch of fur on it's chest. As the story progresses the patch grows and is shaped like the gallows. The gallows is a device used for hanging criminals. This foreshadows the coming death of the narrator. The narrator is hung for the murder of his wife."it was now, I say, the image of a hideous -- of a ghastly thing -- of the GALLOWS !". In the first stanza of "Annabel Lee" the use of past tense gives the readers a subtle hint that Annabel Lee had died. "And this maiden she lived with no other thought/ Than to love and be loved by me."Foreshadowing was commonly used by Poe. Edgar Allan Poe's tragedies shaped his dark, twisted style of writing. Poe's lack of a childhood could have also been a factor. Edgar Allan Poe once said that he wanted the reader to have a single overwhelming impression while reading his selections. Some feelings many get while reading Poe's selection are disgust, confusion, and horror. Poe succeeded his goal of giving his reader an overwhelming