The Blind Side Movie Analysis

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Pages: 5

The Blind side is a book written by author Michael Lewis and a movie directed by John Lee Hancock, that dives into the journey that professional football player Michael Oher took to get to the NFL. Both the book and the movie tells us the difficulties he faced to get to where he is now, but they both do it in different ways, giving two separate perspectives. The difference in race and social class are very prevalent in the both the book and the movie. There are 3 different types of theorist views functionalist, hegemonic, and critical race who all would read the book and watch the movie from separate views. There are several differences in the book and the movie, but they both tell the same story none the less. They both tell the story that starts off with the history of the left tackle starting with Lawrence Taylor, ultimately telling us why the story is called, The Blind side. Then they tell the story of a poor black kid with a mother addicted to drugs from the rough part of Memphis, who original gets taken in by a man named Big Tony, with a son named Steven. Big Tony introduces Oher and Steven to the coach of a Christian private …show more content…
For example, in the movie Leigh Ann seemed to be the first to invest in Oher, while in the book Sean plays a much larger role. Sean was actually with Oher when the investigator came to their home to question Oher and he sat through it with him the whole time. This could be contributed to many reasons, including the fact that Lewis and Sean were actually pretty close. This explains while he talks about his relationship with Oher more that Leigh Ann’s. I believe that the movie gives a bigger role to Leigh Ann, because it caused for a better story. Everyone loves the southern love and the momma bear role that the movie portrays Leigh Ann