The Boy In The Striped Pajamas Comparison Essay

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Pages: 2

Have you ever thought about how some people could ever get along so well yet be complete opposites? The Boy In The Striped Pajamas left me with this question so many times, Bruno and Shmuel are so different yet so alike that it’s surprising how they get along so easily. I’m here to tell you some of those differences and similarities between Bruno and Shmuel.
First, Shmuel has a very bony face and huge eyes that always seem as if they are studying you and observing the world around him, while Bruno’s face is round and his eyes are normal sized and seem to dart from place to place scanning the area for something to do. Also, Bruno and Shmuel have clothing styles that are nothing like each others. Shmuel wears striped pajamas everyday but Bruno wears fancier, nice clothing that’s well made and never dirty. Lastly, Shmuel’s “house” is very tiny and he shares it with eleven other people, but Bruno’s house is big and beautiful with spacious rooms and
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Did you hear that? Let’s go look at it! Phrases like this are always wandering around taking a fun walk through ideas and memories in Bruno's and Shmuel’s head, filling their brains with excitement and new adventures pushing them to explore the world and go on a road trips, but then BOOM! Neighbors have heard it as well as everyone who is near, seeing Bruno and Shmuel get slapped in the face by something called reality as they realize the cold hard truth and how awful the world can really be. As Bruno and Shmuel have now learned that sometimes ignorance can do more harm than good because Shmuel never really knew why people went on marches and Bruno sees that the happy fun camp he imagined isn’t real at all but filled with misery and