The Boy In The Striped Pajamas Theme Essay

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Pages: 2

In the movie, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, the theme of innocence is portrayed in many different ways. It shows that children can be innocent and naive to the world and things happening around them. It also shows that adults can be that way too. In the movie, it was hard for him to believe that the things that were happening were actually happening and that his father was a part of it. Some can say that the innocence is good, but others will say it is bad and they have their reasons.

Bruno views the world through eyes of innocence. The questions he asks in the midst of Holocaust reflects this. Innocent and naive, when talking about children, is when they don't know any better and don't understand what's going on. Bruno often asks his
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This is often shown by his mother in the movie. She doesn't think that Bruno will understand what's going on so she just keeps it from him. She also didn't think that they'd be able to see the concentration camp from the house. When Bruno keeps telling her about the farm, she doesn't unrest and what he means and she just goes along with it. His father can also be naive, like when he told Bruno that the "farmers" aren't really people.

Children are also able to keep their innocence for many different reasons. Sometimes this can be a good thing, other times, it can be a bad thing. The good part of it is that they can't see the bad things going on around them. This is shown when Bruno doesn't understand that the farmers are actually in a concentration camp and that they are being burned alive and that's what the smoke coming from the camp is. The bad part, is that they are blind to the bad things around them and can't realize that what is happening is very wrong.

In conclusion, the movie portrays the theme of innocence in many different ways. It shows that children, as well as adults, can be innocent and naive in different ways such as when they don't understand what is happening around them. It also shows how hard it was for Bruno to believe his father could be involved in such a bad thing. Young people are often able to keep their innocence though, which is shown in the movie by