The Candy Shop War Summary

Words: 689
Pages: 3

Wow this book called the Candy Shop War Book 2, by Brandon Mull, is just an absolute blockbuster fiction book about magic candy and other cool stuff so will be going over the story and telling you why I liked this book and what I felt was the main point of the book you really had to understand y it was so I’m portend. One summer day a boy Nate moves to Colson. He is looking for his friends So, they could be together at the beginning of the school year. Nate is the kind of 10-year-old kid who is friendly but he already has his 3 best friends they made a club call the blue falcons. Nate closest friend’s pigeon is in 5th grade little funny like who makes friends with a pigeon a close friend also is Summer, She I energetic girl and trust strong …show more content…
White, a magic candy maker the crew really thinks she nice but well guess again because she is kind of evil. One afternoon the blue falcons came across this brand at this point in the book I started to get some little goosebumps so I tried to predict what is happen and I actually thought that they would find some kind of machine that makes magic candy but I wasn't right so Next,The wonder around and then they meet When the here they meet an old married couple that makes magic candy, they start to give the blue falcons various mission to the but on each mission, they. She tells they on each mission if they find a treasure one each mission they will be rewarded with a magic candy. But however, the more mission they go on the more dangerous they get the kids get the sense that Mrs. White is not who she said she is. She is actually evil and wants to take over the world so the kids learned that all those trousers that have been collecting are actually helping her get stronger and will give her the ability to control people's minds so they try to find help that point in the book felt like the rising action to because they meet this couple and with an off with all the going to go get things and all this weird stuff so it came to a big shocker when a 60 year old woman tried to become a kid again with those treasure policies, But