The Cause Of Autism

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Pages: 4

Autism is classified as a complex developmental disability. Autism has been a term that has been used over one hundred years ago until this present time .The term itself comes from the Greek word ‘’autos’’ which actually means self. Basically the conditions are described where a person is removed from social interaction. In 1943 Leo Kanner, a psychiatrist who attends John Hopkins University discovers the term autism .The discovery was used on children who were self-absorbed and severe communication and social, behavioral problems. This experiment provides a general overview of what autism really is. The definition of what Mr. Kanner has defined back then has changed over time.
Autism is not an illness or disease. Autism is a behaviorally
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Kanner published a paper titled “Autistic Disturbance of Affective Contact “ in which he described the actual causes of Autism .Autism was recently known as psychogenic .The causes of autism are still unknown today. A theory proposed by Bettelheim (1967), was influential for well over a decade. Bettelheim agreement was that when a child is faced with less care in the world. He or she tends to withdraw from the world. This theory stated that the major cause of a caregiver who is cold and uncaring, hence, the term “refrigerator parent. This theory has lost it meaning due to the lack of empirical support and abandonment. Autism has been found in all social classes and races over the world (Gillberg 1990).There has been several countries where the autism population has increase one will be china. Kuo-Tai (1987) reported only five cases from among 1,190 childhood psychiatric clients over a twenty-six year period .Relatively to all births, Kuo – Tai set the standards very high china. Ninjing’s population at 4.5 and only found only two cases of autism. Japan has the highest prevalence which is somewhere between 0.13% (Sugiyama & Abe 1989) and 0.16 %( Tanoue, Oda, Asano, & Kawashima, 1988). Autism may be triggered by multiple factors such as environmental factor and genetic causes. Autism is still being studied in all countries through the …show more content…
The new legislation, signed into law by President Bush on Dec 19, 2006, will increase funding for research to $132 million in 2007 and to $210 million by 2011.
According to St .Petersburg Times in 2008 our formal President Barack Obama made a promise to fully fund the Combating Autism Act. This act will provide nearly over a billion dollars in autism relating fund over five years ,Congress also vow to work with parent and ASD experts to determine how to improve federal and state program. The law has been authorized to give funding for about three years, instead of five years. The total amount of funds that will be giving to this act will be close to one billion dollars. The Obameter Compromise the first sign of progress was when Obama administration included nearly included over $211 million for autism-related funding in 2010 Fiscal Budget Year. The legislation reauthorized crucial funding for various research, screening, education and treatment Programs .Congress also passed the bipartisan Combating Autism Reauthorization Act, which Obama then signed in September, 2011. Obama has provided funding to address autism this is consider a promise