The Changes In Frederick Douglas's Narrative Of The Life

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Pages: 7

Frederick Douglass born Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey on February 1818 in Tuckahoe, Talbot County, Maryland. Frederick Douglas was born inter slavery and was african, indian, and white ancestry. Frederick did not know much about his father except that he was a white man. His mother was Harriet Bailey. They were property of Captain Aaron Anthony. Frederick and his mother were split most of his life and barely knew her due to the fact that his mother and his four sisters worked off the plantation for Anthony. The first seven years of Frederick's life was with his grandmother Betsy Bailey. However the only reason Frederick got to do so was the fact that his grandmother was to old to work the fields and her job that was assigned on the plantation was to take care of the children on the plantation. After seven years old frederick was forced to move to anthony’s main residence.
This was where Frederick experienced the brutality of slavery. Temporarily his situation improved when he was a house buy for the aulds. The short time did not last until
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Some of these events motivate people to change who they are, how they live, and the outlook they have on life. In Frederick Douglass’s “Narrative of the Life” (1845), Douglass lives a life of slavery and hardship. Douglass makes many key realizations that change his life and makes it somewhat easier for him to logically understand the life he is subjected to. Douglass spent his life taking emotional and physical beatings; however he never let his hardships stop him from becoming free. Things that would deteriorate one's hope motivated Douglass. While there are many realizations Douglass made during his time being a slave, there are three key realizations that changed his life. The three realizations that were a pivotal point in Douglass’s life mark his growth and development as a person and not