The Chapter 'Back To Earth' By Will Allen

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Pages: 3

In the chapter “Back to Earth”, of “The Good Food Revolution”, Will Allen discusses his experience of getting the farmer as his part time job. Meanwhile, He changed his job to KFC Manager, retiring basketball because of the old and sick body. After KFC Manager, he was hired by the Procter & Gamble. During the job, he never give up farming which is chasing dream for Will Allen. Although the government published so many unfair policies for black farmers, Allen still held his farm and did as much as he could. Like he said in page108 “I wanted to spend my life entirely in the active and physical work of agriculture.” Finally he give up all his jobs and chased his dream, farming. The life’s purpose is to chase everyone’s own dream. Make your life no-regrettable. …show more content…
It is obviously that if he did nothing, no one would kill him, but he still did the speech for his dream. To chase his dream of equality, he fought with the majority with his life and finally, he succeed. Same as Will Allen, what he want is to make the poor black can also afford the healthy food and healthy life. He also fought with the social majority, the white and the pressure of government policy pressure, for example in book The Good Food Revolution “Sixteen thousand farmers received these loans. Only 209 of them were black”. Facing this tough situation, he just tried all ways to go through the hard situation. This is the power of chasing dream, help people overcome all