The Climate Crisis At The End Of Our Fork Summary

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Pages: 3

In Anna Lappe argumentative article The Climate Crisis at the End of Our Fork she writes about her views on what most likely are the causes and solutions of global warming. Lappe argues that most people do not know that the producing and distributing of food across the world has a huge impact on the world's climate change. In her article Lappe uses 3 different ways that make a connection to her belief cause global warming. Changing our way of agricultural to a more traditional technique and change to more nutritional product, such as organic, it will benefit not only our world's environment but also the consumer. Lappe uses “The Land Use Connections” to make her first connection between food production and how it may be one causes of global warming. She believes that the expansion of palm oils and the emission produced by livestock are some examples that impact climate change. “A full eighteen percent of the world's global warming effect is associated with “land use changes,” mostly from the food system The biggest factors are the destruction of vital rainforests through burning and clearing and the elimination of wetlands and, peat bogs to expand pasture for cattle, feed crops for …show more content…
When you have livestock then you must have land for crops so you could feed the cattle. Large machinery is used to destroy these biomes exert carbon dioxide which is one of the prominent greenhouse gas. A common ingredient in most household and human necessities is known as palm oil. In India and China palm oils have become in high demand and the top rated vegetable oil. “As the oil palm plantation expand on rainforest and peatlands in Southeast Asia, the natural swamp forests that formerly filled those land are cut down and drained.”(Para 14) Everyday there are tons of forests,swamps, rain forests, and other biomes are destroyed for agricultural