The Coddling Of The American Mind Analysis

Words: 555
Pages: 3

In Lukianoff and Haidt’s, “The Coddling of the American Mind”, they claim that when teachers provide students with trigger warnings it causes them to become safeguarded from controversial topics, and will not benefit them in the future. The consequences of trigger warnings is that it allows for students to abuse it. They discuss how cognitive behavioral therapy can help students manage controversial topics; they also offer the solution that universities should require teachers to teach students how to practice cognitive behavioral therapy. The subdivision of cognitive behavioral therapy is emotional reasoning, which the authors indicate is being abused. Students are abusing it by claiming that they are offended by something someone said to them as means of them offering an apology. This also relates to microaggression, which is a certain word choice that may not have a negative connotation but are thought by some as violent. The authors assert that by …show more content…
As the authors stated in their text, trigger warnings are not always going to be available for students and there are going to be situations where someone may offend them and they will not know how to handle the situation because they were not taught how to.
Baldwin’s ideas in “the Fire Next Time”, proves significant in supporting Lukianoff and Haidt’s argument. In his novel Baldwin writes, “To defend oneself against a fear is simply to insure that one will, one day, be conquered by it; fears must be faced. As for one’s wits, it is just not true that one can live by them-not, that is, if one wishes really to live” (Baldwin 27). In making this statement Baldwin is urging people that suppressing your fears will cause them to regulate your life. He suggests that the only way to gain control is to face