The Consequences Of Friar Lawrence In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet '

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Friar Lawrence is a poor planner because he doesn't recognize the consequences that follow. When Friar married Romeo and Juliet he didn't think about the consequences. He knew that he shouldn't have married these two teens, due to how both families household were fighting with each other. Although he thought he was helping he only made things worse than before. Also Friars plan for Juliet faking her own death and not marrying Paris didn’t work as well as what was planed. What they thought was going to work well ended horrible. This plan taking a turn for the worse, leaving three more deaths to occur. Although the families were brung together, sadly over deaths of their own family members. Friar thinking his plans would work in the end left bad things to happen right after. If Friar thought about his plans a little more thoroughly his plans wouldn’t have turned out the way that they have.
Throughout the entire play it is clearly shown that Friar
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Lord Capulet has a large influence on Romeo and Juliet’s death because he doesn’t allow Juliet to marry who she’d like to marry. When he forcefully tries to marry Paris and Juliet it only causes ruckus. The way he approaches Juliet by saying “Hang thee, young baggage! Disobedient wretch!” (III, v, 161) causes her to go to Friar and get the sleeping potion. Juliet's rebellion to her father's idea, leads to her death at the end of the story. With him being a more thoughtful parent and respecting her decision on who she would be marrying it would have prevented the out raged person she became when he tried to force this upon her. However, even if he didn’t force Juliet to marry Paris she still would’ve snuck around seeing Romeo. Showing that even if he didn’t approach Juliet and act the way towards her like he did she still would've went against him. Therefore Friar Lawrence is still the one to hold most of the