The Crucibile Notes Essay

Submitted By 263412
Words: 363
Pages: 2

Act 1 Scene 1
Paris is crying, because Betty is dying
Abigail comes in
Paris says that the reason why Betty is dying is because Abigail is a witch
Says that Abigail and Betty were dancing around a fire in the woods, while Tituba was chanting (Tituba, Ruth, Mercy, Betty, and Abigail)
Also he said he saw a naked girl running through the woods
Paris also asks why Abigail was she dismissed from Goody Proctor’s service
She says that she hates her
Mrs. Ann Putnam and Mr. Putnam enter
“They are very disturbed over the situation. They think that Betty's fainting is a sign that hell is near. They tell that their daughter, Ruth, has taken ill, and Ann Putnam believes her illness to be caused by something evil falling on the town. She explains that she sent Ruth to Tituba to conjure spirits. Ann hoped that Ruth would be able to communicate with her seven dead siblings. And now, Ann thinks she is ill because of this whole event. Thomas Putnam tells Parris to admit to the people waiting downstairs in his house that he's seen witchcraft. Parris says he'll be ruined.”
Their servant, Mercy Lewis, enters and she says that Ruth sneezed (good sign)
Paris agrees to address the crowd outside his house
Act 1 Scene 2
Abigail and Mercy talk about how to wake Betty up after Paris leaves
“Mary Warren enters and talks with the girls over what they should do. They're worried that they are going to get into trouble with the town. Betty whimpers and Abigail goes over to her”