The Crucible Book Report

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Pages: 3

The crucible is a book that takes place in Salem, Massachusetts in 1632 on a spring. The girls are doing witchcraft in a forest. They then get caught by Rev.Parris who is very religious. The town’s minister is Rev. Parris. John Proctor comes to see what is wrong with Betty. He confronts Abigail, who says that Betty is just pretending to be ill or possessed. As Proctor and Abigail have this conversation, it is obviousness that they had an affair while Abigail worked in the Proctor household and Proctor’s wife, Elizabeth, was ill. Tituba was the slave of Abigail. Betty wants her mother back. Abigail threatens to harm the three other young girls in the room if they speak a word about what they did in the forest with Tituba, Mary Warren and Elizabeth. Abgail used to be Procter’s made but got kicked out. Procter also cheats on Elizabeth with Abigail. Rev. Hale is also a witch hunter who kills witches …show more content…
A theme for the book would be being stubborn he was going to confess that he is a devil until, he see’s Rebecca Nurse who says it’s better to get hanged honest and to not confess about being a devil or a witch because he really isn’t. So he then gets hanged. The neighborhood is talking about witchcraft and Abigail is scared that she will get caught. Abigail is with Mary Warren and her slave Tituba in the forest and will not confess to what she did. His wife Elizabeth also cheats on him. Abigail betrayed him as well and so did Mary Warren. He is also lying to all of them and saying he wasn’t cheating on any of them when meanwhile he was cheating on all of them. Proctor lost respect from everybody. Proctor also might get hanged for what he did if Elizabeth confesses to the Salem courthouse. He is a man that you can’t trust and makes a lot of bad decisions that he later on regrets. That is the way he