The Crucible Literary Analysis Essay

Words: 754
Pages: 4

Anh (Ana) Nguyen

Mrs. Jenkins

American Literature

03 November 2015

A Chance for an Ultimatum

A statement can either save one’s life, or lose one head. Consider the case of The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, sets in 1692. A witch hunt started with a falsely accused dance a group of girls made to break free from their society turned Salem into a slaughter house. Parris, a Puritan minister of Salem, coincidentally walks by and promptly accuses the girls for the summation of devel. At that moment, the Salem minister had started a witch hunt that will guarantee an uproaring number of innocent lives. Likewise, the McCarthy movement in 1950 run by senator Joe Mccarthy was the most idle campaign in American history. High classes, low classes were all exterminate if they provide undesirable answers. Conflicting Miller’s principle, he wrote The Crucible to reveal the cruel morality of humanity
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Humans like Abigal are the experts of brainwashing. They abuse and contempt as they step over human brick stones. Abigail demonstrated the abusements she will create if any girls fail to stay loyal. Mary Warren knows she has fallen in to the trap when “she glances at Abigail, who is staring down at her remorselessly” (Miller 110). In other words, she implanted a fear of exposure on to the young girls to protect herself from maltreatment from men in power. Worst than Abigail, Hathorne and Danforth avoided the title of hypocrite by continuing to exterminate innocent lives. Fearing the the opinions of society he “demanded of [others] the name of him” (Miller 102) to continue the execution. The men planted fear upon themselves and placed illogical intelligent on their mask to devoid humiliation and shame. The men doubted their actions and believed that the time was late for a new start. All in all, the witch hunt never came to an end because the like McCarthy spread like an epidemic