The Crucible Man Vs Himself Analysis

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Pages: 7

Man Vs. Himself (Proctor) Proctor’s struggle with self image is clearly present throughout the play. Proctor cannot seem to rid himself of the shame he feels for his affair with Abigail nor forgive himself for his actions. In the events of the play, Proctor is sent on a quest to find his goodness. He is ashamed of the false display he puts on for society, and eventually manages to overcome them. Proctor’s greatest battle within himself was when he was forced to decide whether to face prosecution or to confess and continue his life of dishonesty. Proctor’s decision to face prosecution demonstrates Proctor’s growth. He has come to terms with himself and can find himself worthy of an honorable death.
Man Vs. Society (Proctor Vs. The court)
When Proctor arrived with Mary Warren to present their evidence against Abigail to the court, they were greeted with suspicion. Many, including Danforth, believed
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After much contemplation, Proctor made the honest choice of facing prosecution instead of falsely confessing to witchcraft. He gained goodness and self forgiveness, while the court gained nothing. Therefore, Proctor was the winner of this conflict.
Man Vs. Man (Abigail Vs. Elizabeth) While Elizabeth Proctor was ill, her house servant Abigail and her husband John Proctor had an affair. When Elizabeth found out she promptly fired Abigail and started the struggle between them. Abigail was extremely jealous of Elizabeth and wished to take her place alongside John Proctor, Abigail, who believed that Tituba could take part in charms and spells, convinced Tituba to help her put a death charm on Elizabeth. When they were caught in the act, and the events grew into a hysteria of accusations and convictions of witchcraft, Abigail took advantage of the situation. She used her powers of observation to create a scheme to make it look like Elizabeth had stabbed her by use of a voodoo doll. Elizabeth was sent to