The Crucible Pride Analysis

Words: 571
Pages: 3

In The Crucible (1953), Arthur Miller demonstrates that people’s beliefs and pride influence their decision making. People’s beliefs in witches enable Abigail Williams to have the opportunity to accuse people of witchcraft. Accused people are brought before the court and are forced to confess or be hung. The hangings are interrupted by John Proctor, who presents evidence against Abigail to try to save his wife, Elizabeth. The evidence against Abigail is not accepted by the court and John Proctor is hung for witchcraft. Why does the court dislike the idea of physical evidence? Why does it seem that Danforth believes John cannot be innocent? In The Crucible, the authorities are overly willing to believe Abigail and resistant to believe John Proctor because they need their religious beliefs and decision to be true. The authorities’ religious beliefs cause them to believe witches truly do exist. When Proctor makes a case against the girls, Danforth says “the voice of Heaven is speaking through the children” (Miller 179). The girls are unable to lie because God is guiding them. Danforth believes that God’s power cannot be impersonated. Danforth and the other authorities find it hard to accept that the girls’ actions are not on behalf of God. When Hale accuses Danforth of judging Proctor, Danforth says he …show more content…
When Danforth explains his opinion, he has no “reason to suspect that the children may be deceiving” him (Miller 180). Once he chooses to side with the girls, he does not want them to be proven wrong. Even when Proctor’s evidence is right, Danforth refuses to be swayed. Later in the play, Danforth asks for Proctor’s “honest confession in my hand” (Miller 208). Proctor will hang, simply because he does not have the same opinion as Danforth. Anyone who confronts Danforth will have two options: confess to witchcraft or hang. Another authority in the court, Paris, also possesses pride which leads him to be