The Crucible Research Paper

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Pages: 2

How does McCarthyism relate to “The Crucible”? Why would Arthur Miller use the Salem Witch Hunts to make commentary on the Anti-American Activities Act? What is the difference between McCarthyism and “The Crucible”? What do you think Arthur Miller would say on the subject?Given the situation on McCarthyism, “The Crucible” can relate really well to the subject. The following paragraphs will be providing information from multiple resources on the matter of McCarthyism As well will be providing quotes from “The Crucible” to back up my informative research on the matter.

McCarthyism is mainly seen as a negative connotation(Ventura, Elbert) for how it was introduced and how it was used. Around sometime in the 1950’s, Senator Joseph McCarthy started accusing people of professional industries of being communist (You know, kind of how Abigail williams accused many innocent people of witchcraft). Back then communism was a very big issue in american society.

Arthur Miller had wrote his own essay on the subject on why he wrote “The Crucible”, in which he had mentioned that McCarthyism has a part in the writing of the play. When McCarthyism had took place in
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Why would Arthur Miller use the Salem Witch Hunts to make commentary on the Anti-American Activities Act? McCarthyism and “The Crucible” are both relatable for the simple fact that many innocent people had gotten accused for a “crime” that they hadn’t committed. So for that one simple fact pulling most of the ties together, Arthur Miller, I believe, used the Salem Witch Hunts to make commentary on the Anti- American Activities Act was because in the Salem Witch Hunts, people were hunting witches to “cleanse the world of their existence”. While in the Anti-American Activities Act was to chase communism out of the U.S.. So in conclusion “McCarthyism” and “The Crucible” are both relatable because in both cases innocent people were accused of crimes they did not