The Curfew Laws In S. E. Hinton's The Outsiders

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Pages: 3

Curfew is a set time that minors have to be in at night. In the novel The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton, no curfew laws were enforced, so that led to there being a lot of trouble and violence at night. Although many people believe that curfews shouldn’t be enforced by the law, I know that curfews would help, and should be enforced by the law.

“ A curfew allows less time to get in trouble with gangs, alcohol, drugs and things like that,” said one teen. Some people have stated that the First Amendment gives all people the right to gather in groups. Shouldn’t that law apply to minors too? These people think minors aren’t having the same right as the adults are getting. Others, like me, know that if kids gather in gangs or groups there could be a lot of trouble that happens. Dally states what Cherry told him, “ She said she felt that the whole mess was her fault,
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Some are concluding that the law shouldn’t be the enforcers of curfews, parents should. Parents are responsible for their underage children. It’s not the law’s place to be another parent. It’s up to parents to choose a curfew. Some teens parents don’t care about them, so why should parents control their curfews? Ponyboy states about Johnny that, his father was always beating him up, and his mother ignored him, except when she was hacked off at something, and then you could hear her yelling at him clear down at our house. "My parents," Johnny repeated doggedly, "did they ask about me?” “No,” snapped Dally, "they didn't. Blast it, Johnny, what do they matter? Shoot, my old man don't give a hang whether I'm in jail or dead in a car wreck or drunk in the gutter. That don't bother me none." Johnny is abused and ignored by his parents and Dally’s parents don’t care about or love him. Their parents obviously wouldn’t set a curfew for them if they don’t even ignolig them. For this reason, the law should be the ones to set curfews for the