The Dangers Of Concussions In Sports

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Pages: 4

An athlete is running down the field, getting ready to score the game-winning goal. Out of nowhere comes a defender, who knocks the runner off his feet, slamming his head on the ground, causing a concussion. A concussion is a traumatic brain injury, where the brain jars or shakes within the skull, caused by a blow to the head, which can cause severe neurological disorders if not properly diagnosed or treated (“Emmons…”). The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates there are about 300,000 concussions in athletics per year (“Washburn…”). Concussions have a negative impact on the brain because when undiagnosed or mistreated, they can be the most severe injury in sports, developing teen athlete's brains are more vulnerable to the effects, and multiple concussions …show more content…
Brain injury experts believe concussions that aren't given proper time to heal can cause long-term effects on mental health (“Farmer…”). Athletes who suffer concussions but don't report them are most at risk. Those who suffer 3 or more concussions without proper treatment have dramatically increased chances of having memory problems, such as Alzheimer's, along with potential neurological impairment. Concussions, though hard to detect, must be properly treated to be able to fully restore neurological activity (“Emmons…”). These injuries are so serious, that improper treatment can lead to irreversible brain damage, or even death. The negative effects of concussions are most dangerous to teen athletes. Concussions have a negative impact on the brain because teen athletes are most vulnerable to the effects of concussions. This is because maturing brains are especially susceptible to concussions, in that there are millions of teen athletes participating in high school athletics each year, and that age matters in recovering from a brain injury