The Death Of Benny Paret Rhetorical Analysis

Words: 280
Pages: 2

Mailer’s insightful metaphorical statements and descriptive diction provide a vivid analysis of the brutality associated with the actions of Griffith and the sport of boxing through examples such as, “Griffith was uncontrollable”, “like a cat ready to rip the life out of a huge boxed rat”, and “like a baseball bat demolishing a pumpkin.” These examples ultimately come together to emphasize the generally solemn tone that Mailer wishes to highlight in regards to the disturbing death of Benny Paret.
Throughout “The Death of Benny Paret”, Mailer uses metaphorical statements to create a profound and long-lasting image of the violent and solemn events that occurred during a boxing match. One of the most profound statements Mailer makes, is when