The Death Of Liberal Arts Essay

Words: 468
Pages: 2

Centenary College, or any other place of education, should not have the ability to abolish the humanity courses. Although the technology in today's time is advancing, it does not mean people should forget the essential basics to life and jobs. These humanity courses may be out of style for the requirements of jobs, but liberal arts teach students to think outside of the box (Cook). Throughout the article, “The Death of Liberal Arts” by Nancy Cook, the author contributes to the significance of keeping all course, especially the liberal arts. Liberal arts contain all the basics of human life and these courses are most important to life after school. The course of liberal arts is just like any other part of education and should not be cut out of student curriculum. The programs should be adjusted to adapt to the child's future, but the programs should not be totally cut and forgotten. In the text, it states, “Although many students now want to major in something that sounds like a job, the economy is …show more content…
The statement contributes to the thought that people that know less, have less to worry about. ALthough that may be true, knowledge opens up many opportunities and an more open mind. In the book, when Montag starts to read books, he realizes that books render knowledge and happiness to people. Books also help to bring creativity to the mind of students. Furthermore, the quote from the book relates to the article. Centenary College is narrowing the choices of knowledge for students, and forcing them to pick from a select few. This relates to Fahrenheit 451 when they took away the books and ideas, forcing them to focus on only their job. Both these acts exemplify the creativity and excitement being taken out of students everyday