The Death Penalty Is Still Necessary

Words: 895
Pages: 4

Should it be legal to execute guilty assailants of crimes such as murder and treason. This topic has been debated over several years, with some bring the point that its “Unlawful” and “Inhumane”, while other groups suggest its “Reasonable” and “Sane”. With that being said my bias goes along with the point of it being ok to execute a perpetrator if found guilty of such heinous crimes like murder and large scale drug trafficking. I will discuss views of both parties, while defending my side of this topic. In many countries around the world the death penalty is legal. Crimes punishable by the death penalty are as follows murder, treason, large scale drug trafficking, terrorism, and other heinous crimes. Around the world, thousands of executions happen around the year with the majority of them coming from China due to their strict governmental laws. What else kinda punishment could be bestowed upon the world’s most heinous and brutal murders. Edward Feser, PhD wrote an article called “Why the Death Penalty Is Still Necessary”, in this article he explained how life imprisonment doesn't do the satisfaction to the victim or his or her family. The quote “Perhaps most importantly, in its supreme gravity, it promotes belief in and respect for the majesty of the moral order and for the system of human law that both derives …show more content…
In this quote he refers to the death penalty as a “Supreme Gravity” showing the significance of it. With that quote being stated you have people like Semon Frank Thompson, Former Superintendent of the